Seasons Greetings and welcome to the last release blog post of 2018! We hope you are all enjoying this festive season as we have been. Just want to say a big congratulations to our customers, for what has been most people's busiest peak period ever. StoreFeeder has seen a record breaking amount of [...]
Hello and welcome to the latest release update. We hope you enjoyed your holidays and have had a great start to the New Year. At StoreFeeder, we have been hard at work to bring you the following updates and changes: Bulk Un-hold Orders On the ‘Manage orders’ page you can now bulk Un-hold [...]
After more hype than a Vegas title fight and a copious amount of huffing and blowing from the powers that run the high street, Black Friday has come and gone. And as the whole shebang is over bar the shouting, the bean counters have their abaci out and are voraciously totting up the numbers. It [...]
As you may have seen in a previous blog post, the Development Team have been hard at work on work to allow users to take advantage of the new eBay Product Based Shopping Experience (PBSE). We have also been hard at work on further improvements to functionality within StoreFeeder and the StoreFeeder App. Oh [...]
With the tedious inevitability of an unloved season, Black Friday is almost upon us. Retailers the world over will be slowly rubbing their hands over the promise of untold riches and consumers are getting their fighting gear and armour dusted off to go and grab them bargains. However, online merchants and indie traders [...]
A new year brings further new features from StoreFeeder. Due to changing markets and the increasing need to manage margins, StoreFeeder have released pricing profiles to their enterprise customers. This feature offers retailers the ability to automatically control their pricing in channel or on a marketplace, giving shop owners peace of mind that profits [...]
When planning your next eCommerce upgrade, website strategy or multi-channel sales plan it can be difficult to put things into perspective. We at StoreFeeder believe that taking on these challenges alone, making those decisions in isolation, working toward an un-checked goal, can be detrimental to your or your employers business. With this in [...]
With many years of multi-channel sales, eBay, Amazon, and Website beneath my belt, and having consulted with thousands of channel sellers in that time, i thought it might be nice to run through some of the things I have learned in that time which applies to small and large businesses alike. At last night's [...]
As announced on TameBay this morning, Voi Jeans have become an eBay Enterprise seller with the help of StoreFeeder! By choosing StoreFeeder to manage their multi-channel ecommerce operation, Voi Jeans are now able to automate product listings, taking into account product variants such as size and colour. StoreFeeder has enabled Voi Jeans [...]
Frooition launched Frooition Signature the world’s first eBay design solution last month and we'd love to hear if any of you have tried it yet? To give you a bit of background, Frooition create custom eBay store and listing designs for all levels of eBay sellers and this latest solution allows sellers to create [...]
If you're looking at selling on eBay then by having an eBay Shop you are able to display all of your listings in one place, meaning visitors can browse all of your items with ease. You also gain the ability to personalise your 'shop window' with templates and a website address. Ok, let's get [...]
In a previous post I discussed Magento integration for multi-channel ecommerce and how StoreFeeder can help with your Magento ecommerce operation, but let's take it to the next step... In order to allow a system such as StoreFeeder to connect with your Magento store you will need to set up something called [...]
2011 has been a great and mightily busy year for us at StoreFeeder, from launching our product on the commercial market back in March at the Internet Retailing Expo at the NEC, Birmingham to adding new funtionaility and features during the months that followed. As software which has been helping to run our client's businesses [...]
Unleash the power of efficient order, warehouse and despatch management; say hello to StoreFeeder.
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Part of the Royal Mail Group
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