Hello and welcome to the latest release update. We hope you enjoyed your holidays and have had a great start to the New Year. At StoreFeeder, we have been hard at work to bring you the following updates and changes :Bulk Un-hold Orders On the ‘Manage orders’ page you can now bulk Un-hold orders. This will revert the order back to the status it was before it was placed on hold.

Despatch pre-despatched orders via Tracking Number / Delivery Confirmation Number You can now despatch pre-despatched orders via the tracking number or the delivery confirmation number. If you are unsure of how to pre-despatch orders, please click here. To use this function please go to Warehouse>Despatch Order/Pickwave. You will be presented with the below screen. Simply scan or manually enter the relevant Tracking Number / Delivery Confirmation Number to despatch your order.

Rearranged fields in the Shipping & Handling tab You will now notice that the fields have been rearranged in the Shipping & Handling tab for products. To locate this page please go to Products>Manage products>Edit product> Shipping & Handling .Before


You will notice that the following fields have been moved to the customs details:
- Product Type Description
- Detailed Product Type Description
- Product Composition
Changing Due date for purchase orders You can now change the due date for purchase orders through various stages of the purchase order process. The due date for purchase orders can be changed in the following stages:
- When the purchase order has been created.
- When the purchase order has been sent to the supplier
- When the purchase order has been confirmed by the supplier.

Please note, the due date for purchase orders cannot be changed once stock is being booked in. That’s all for now. Stay tuned to our blogs, there are big things to come this year. As always, if you have any suggestions for improvements or further ways in which we can benefit your business, we would love to hear from you.https://storefeeder.uservoice.com/From all of us here at StoreFeeder, Happy selling. The StoreFeeder Team