As announced on TameBay this morning, Voi Jeans have become an eBay Enterprise seller with the help of StoreFeeder!

By choosing StoreFeeder to manage their multi-channel ecommerce operation, Voi Jeans are now able to automate product listings, taking into account product variants such as size and colour. StoreFeeder has enabled Voi Jeans to automate many other time consuming daily tasks including;

- Inventory management
- Courier integration
- Purchase orders
- Order processing
By utilising StoreFeeder to increase their sales on eBay, coupled with their excellent customer service, Voi Jeans were invited to become an eBay Enterprise Seller. What’s more Voi Jeans were also invited to participate in eBay’s Daily Deals.Brian (our MD) was quoted in TameBay's article explaining how StoreFeeder can offer our services to the full range of eBay accounts. "StoreFeeder is an extremely scalable solution as we can now offer support to all types of eBay accounts, from startups right up to established businesses."If you would like to find out more about our services then please do give us a call on 0843 523 6610 or fill out our contact form.