Five Factors for eCommerce Success

Five Factors for eCommerce Success

October 12, 2023


Running an eCommerce business is exciting. It is also rewarding, challenging, and sometimes can be frustrating. If you are a sole trader who has turned a passion into a commercial venture, a long-time retailer who has ventured out into digital sales, or an established business trading online for years, you all face the same challenge: Growth.  

There isn’t a magic bullet or digital Genie that will solve this problem. There are a few practices, though, that you can put in place to ensure that your salesforce's digital arm is running on all cylinders. This week’s blog will highlight five factors that can help your eCommerce business grow.

The Five Factors

1) Effective Digital Marketing: A well-executed digital marketing strategy is essential. This includes search engine optimisation (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, social media marketing, email marketing, and content marketing. The ability to reach and engage your target audience is crucial. The digital advertising and search space is now the premier platform for customers to find what they want. The way that the algorithms work means that it is easy to get to your audience, but you have to pay to play. Digital Marketing should receive serious consideration when budgeting.  

2) User-Friendly Website: Your eCommerce website is your digital storefront. It should be easy to navigate, mobile-responsive, and provide a seamless shopping experience. Fast loading times, clear product descriptions, high-quality images, and a smooth checkout process are vital. Think about the experience, too. If you have developed your site in-house, try and get it tested by a group that fits your intended audience. Do not go on your feelings. It’s easy to be blinded by your own business and your thoughts about what the site should be. Do not make decisions based on feelings. Make them on facts. Talk to a user experience testing company and see what they say. Take their findings and make your site's best experience for your target customers.  

3) Quality Products and Services: Offering high-quality products or services and providing excellent customer service are fundamental. Positive customer experiences lead to repeat business and word-of-mouth referrals. You could be in a market selling similar, if not the same products as your customers. Do not fall into the race to the bottom that is price. Find your differentiator; if you deliver excellent service, pre and post-sale, you must tell people about it. If you have great reviews on TrustPilot or Google, shout about it. Internally ensure that your team become customer service evangelists. Securing a new customer costs 5 – 25 times more money than retaining one. Treat them well once you win new business, and do everything you can to ensure they become repeat customers.

4) Effective Inventory Management: Efficiently managing inventory is crucial to prevent stock running out and overstocking. The key components are accurate inventory tracking, demand forecasting, and streamlined ordering processes. If you can ensure that you can fulfil every order you receive by having accurate and effective inventory management, then you are nearly the whole way to achieving point three. Customers hate being let down, and sloppy inventory management is a fast track to letting your customers down. We may be able to help you with that.

5) Data-Driven Decision-Making  : Utilise data analytics to gain insights into customer behaviour, sales trends, and website performance. Data can help you make informed decisions, tailor marketing efforts, and optimise your eCommerce operations. We mentioned this in point two: do not make decisions based on what your customer wants or what your head tells you. Get the data, and use facts and proven data to make your decisions. Speak to your customers, test your products and services, and do everything you can to understand the ins and outs of your entire business. Become obsessed with data; you will not regret using hard facts and figures to make decisions.


Remember that eCommerce success is an ongoing process that requires adaptability and continuous improvement. Stay updated with industry trends and technologies to remain competitive. Keep reading our blogs for tips on eCommerce, warehouse management, inventory control, marketplaces and shipping management.
Thanks for reading this week's blog post. The blog will return next week.

Harry James

Implementation Specialist

Alongside getting new clients up and running with the software, Harry also provides content such as the product release notes, vocals for the StoreFeeder knowledgebase videos and even then somehow finds the time to run the StoreFeeder Pool League; with so many talents, he wonders why he hasn't been scouted by some sort of agency at this point! Away from the office, you'll find Harry most at home around a table, with friends, enjoying a board game with a warm cup of coffee in his hands.

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