Multi-Channel Growth Pt:2
April 21, 2022
In the last part of this blog, we looked at the bonuses and time-saving aspects of being able to have all of your orders imported to one screen how it saves time and gives you the luxury of logging into one platform instead of several and the peace of mind knowing that all your orders are there.
In part two, we want to look at warehousing and dispatch. As we discussed previously, running an eCommerce business is time consuming and hard work. The most challenging tasks are the ones that make or break your business. That’s getting the orders in – we sorted that in part one. How do we get the orders out efficiently with fewer miss packs and speedy turnaround, which will equate to happy customers? Let’s get into part two…

StoreFeeder has been designed and built with dispatch in mind. We have several ways that enable you to get your orders out the door with brisk efficiency. Some merchants will print off each order and pass them to the picking teams to be picked and then packed. StoreFeeder can do this, no problem. However, as stated in previous blogs and anything we ever put out about our platform, StoreFeeders’ warehouse management system allows you to create pickwaves, varied and efficient pickwaves.
A pickwave is a list of items to be picked. You can organise them by single or multi-line order, by product, by courier, or by location; StoreFeeder allows you so much flexibility you can create pickwaves in the most efficient way to suit your picking and packing team. StoreFeeder also maps your warehouse and will give your pickers the most efficient route around the warehouse. Multiple pickers? No problem, StoreFeeder will allow you to reverse pickwaves so that the pick teams don’t get in each other’s way.

When it comes to dispatch, one of the first tasks to set up StoreFeeder is to integrate your couriers. Once your chosen couriers are integrated, StoreFeeder imports all of the shipping methods available to you through those couriers.
StoreFeeder has a shipping rules system, enabling you to assign rules to orders. For example, if order A weighs X and is Y in size, it must ship via service 1. Shipping rules can be assigned by weight, size, value or courier. The efficiency of this system means that on the dispatch bench, when an order has been packed and then dispatched, StoreFeeder will generate the correct label to deliver that order at the best value to you. No more weighing or looking at courier tariffs; StoreFeeders shipping rules enable your dispatch team to do exactly that, dispatch. Our customers have found that this saves them hours per day. And saves money on postage by getting the right method for each order. Imagine those savings over a year.
Want even faster dispatch? StoreFeeder supports barcode dispatch. Once the orders are picked, the picker can drop the items off at the packing desk; if those items are barcoded, the packer scans the barcode, and StoreFeeder matches the item to the order and prints the correct label. This works on multi-line and single-line orders. To see it in action, you can book a demo here.
The barcode dispatch system saves you time and cuts down the number of mispacks. We all know that eCommerce is review-led, and accurate, speedy dispatch leads to excellent reviews.

Automating the dispatch requires some work upfront with data input. However, the time saved on the dispatch end converts to revenue on the bottom line. If you want to understand more about how StoreFeeder can automate these tasks within your business, you can contact us here.
Thanks for reading this weeks blog. There will be another next Thursday.