Meet our Team | Alex Dobrescu
December 7, 2023
Meet the team is back with a vengeance! This week, we are going to a department that has not appeared in this feature: Business Analytics. Facing the questions this week is Alex Dobrescu…
What is your job title?
Business Analyst
What do you do at StoreFeeder?
I manage the catalogue of features being developed, run team meetings, and write documentation and diagrams for new and existing processes. I coordinate with the team leads, developers, and testers when designing new features to help our customers.
What problem faced by e-commerce companies do you want to solve?
I want to make it as effortless as possible for users to access and use the tools necessary for their day-to-day e-commerce business on our platform to have the smoothest, easiest, and most carefree user journey possible.
What are your past credentials? How do you fit into the StoreFeeder makeup?
I have worked as a junior developer and tester before, so I am accustomed to working in a software development lifecycle.
What do you like best about working at StoreFeeder?
The people. They are a lovely bunch. Both in terms of working with and learning from. In terms of the product, it is flattering to see how our product helped clients build their business, and of course, it is incredibly humbling to see that our tools helped build a million-pound business for a client.
What is the primary benefit a company gets by signing up to StoreFeeder?
Just the one? There are a lot of benefits. If I were to name one, it would probably be how our product helps the customer manage all their day-to-day eCommerce operations from a single piece of software while also offering a dedicated onboarding experience alongside a fantastic support team.
What values drive you?
Kindness. A willingness to help. Loyalty
Who’s your favourite band?
Oh, that’s a hard one. I like songs from different bands and albums. But if I were to pick one, it would probably be Linkin Park, which I loved the most during my teen years.
You've just won the Nobel Prize. What was it for?
A piece of literature. Something that uplifts people and makes them feel inspired.
What is your favourite quote?
“If I must fall, I will rise each time a better man.” - from Oathbringer by Brandon Sanderson.
What do you like to do when you are not shoulder to the grindstone at StoreFeeder?
I love watching football. Also, I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention the odd video game and board game, as many people here. I enjoy the social aspect of solving a problem while socialising. I think it helps people grow. One that may raise an eyebrow is the occasional piece of fantasy writing.
And that is Alex. Thanks for reading this week’s blog, we shall have another next week.