Meet Our Team | Harry James
June 30, 2022
The meet our team feature keeps on trucking! This week we have another one of the onboarding team, with previous in the support department. Ladies and Gentlemen, we give you Harry James!
What's Your job title?
Onboarding Specialist / Chairman of the StoreFeeder Pool League Association
What do you do at StoreFeeder?
I assist new clients in getting up and running with StoreFeeder and show them how to get the most out of the software. I also write the spectacularly gripping product update notes as well! On top of both those things, I somehow find time to run the StoreFeeder Pool League, perhaps the most fiercely competitive league in Pool history.
What problem faced by eCommerce companies is it that you want to solve?
Not one that I want to solve but more one that I solve daily - Managing your business across so many different platforms can be so difficult and stressful; I get such a kick out of knowing that our customer’s businesses can be managed in one place and how much stress that alleviates; being a part of solving that issue for so many people is an amazing experience.
What are your past credentials? How do you fit into the StoreFeeder make-up?
When I started at StoreFeeder, I was tasked with rewriting and styling our knowledgebases. However, it wasn’t long before our support team could use an extra pair of hands. Since I had plenty of experience in customer service roles, I quickly became part of the 1st line support team, and It remained that way for a good couple of years as I gained more in-depth knowledge about the software. About a year ago, I moved to the onboarding team and had been happily getting folks up and running with StoreFeeder ever since.
What do you like best about working at StoreFeeder?
It is a great working environment; this company’s people and opportunities are second to none. The MD of StoreFeeder, Brian, puts his staff first, and it really shows. I can honestly say that when the Covid pandemic first began and the office closed, I genuinely missed coming in and working with the team in its entirety.
What is the primary benefit a company gets by signing up to StoreFeeder?
I’ll refer you to the third question I answered; I think the major benefit is the amount of stress it alleviates by aligning all of your online marketplaces into one convenient control station. I would also add that that then makes it easier to sell more products on more platforms, increasing your revenue.
What values drive you?
Family, loyalty and the desire to become the best version of myself.
Who's your favourite band?
Felix Hagan & the Family
What would you rather be, a professional footballer or Indiana Jones?
As an avid football fan (what a great time it is to be a Forest fan), I would, without a doubt, want to be a professional footballer; I didn’t even need to think about this one!
What is your favourite quote?
“When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.”
What do you like to do when you're not shoulder to the grindstone at StoreFeeder?
Table top gaming (board games & card games) is perhaps my biggest hobby, but I also love going to the gym, playing pool with some beers and watching Football or Tennis, depending on what’s on.
Meet our team will return....