Meet Our Team | Kane Landa
May 19, 2022
This week we have a celebrity. You may know him from our TrustPilot reviews, we all know him from our onboarding and sales department. Kane Landa it's your time to shine!
What's Your job title?
Onboarding and Sales Commando.
What do you do at StoreFeeder?
As an Onboarding and Sales Commando, I act as a key client contact assisting customers who require demonstrations of StoreFeeder. I also take guide people through the process of setting up their StoreFeeder account.
What problem faced by eCommerce companies is it that you want to solve?
The efficient central management of inventory, listings and warehousing to improve and refine their current processes ultimately saving them time, which can be used to grow their business.
What are your past credentials? How do you fit into the StoreFeeder make-up?
I started here as an apprentice aged 17. I have worked my way up to the onboarding and sales squad. I have forged my career at StoreFeeder.
What do you like best about working at StoreFeeder?
The workforce around me is just the best. I couldn’t ask for a better bunch of lovely, jubbly people to work with. Also, no two days are the same, and every day brings a new challenge.
In your opinion, what is the major benefit a company gets by signing up for StoreFeeder?
They deal with a straightforward, no-nonsense company that only has their best interests at heart.
What values drive you?
Positivity, passion and optimism
Who's your favourite band?
It is hard to choose as I enjoy so many, but an easy go-to anytime would be Oasis! #wonderwall #Don’tlookbackinanger #champagnesupernova.
If you could eat only three foods for the rest of your life, what would they be?
- Spagbowl*
- Chips
*This is real and not a typo
What is your favourite quote?
‘It’s yours to lose now’, Ian Dade.
What do you like to do when you're not shoulder to the grindstone at StoreFeeder?
Away from StoreFeeder, I love spending time with friends and family and being super active. I love going to the gym and thoroughly enjoy watching and participating in mixed martial arts and boxing.
And like that, he's gone. Meet our team will return...