Meet Our Team | Andrea James
April 14, 2022
Continuing our journey through the StoreFeeder roll call we arrive upon our Finance and HR Manager; Andrea James please step up;
What's Your job title?
Finance & HR Manager
What do you do at StoreFeeder?
I manage all Finance & HR operations within StoreFeeder. On the financial side this is monthly reporting, budgets, forecasts and audit procedures. For HR I oversee all recruitment and employee welfare.
What problem, faced by ecommerce companies is it that you want to solve?
Easy access into the new way the world shops. StoreFeeder allows our customers to enhance their current business and we know ecommerce, so why not help others and share our knowledge.
What are your past credentials how do you fit into the StoreFeeder make-up?
My past roles have been varied and for the majority of the time, have always been ones which included an element of Finance and HR. However StoreFeeder allowed me to focus on the skills I wanted to develop, improve my abilities and create the career I wanted.
What do you like best about working at StoreFeeder?
The fact that everyone here can make a difference, is listened to and valued.
In your opinion what is the major benefit, a company gets by signing up to StoreFeeder?
Real people. We are a team that values every customer and actively wants to help businesses succeed.
What values drive you?
Dedication and the want to do the best job I can.
Who's your favourite band?
My music taste is very varied, so I could not just choose one.
What is there more of in the world Doors or wheels?
Team wheels!
What is your favourite quote?
Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive. - Elbert Hubbard
When you're not shoulder to the grindstone at StoreFeeder what do you like to do?
When I am not busy being a mum, I am pretty much a geek at heart. So I could be playing on my PC or switch, watching a film/series or even playing D&D.
Meet our team will return....