Meet Our Team | Ian Dade
March 17, 2022
It's about time you met the people behind the software. So a regular feature in the Blog will be meet our team. Let's get to it:
What's Your name and job title?
Ian Dade – Operations Manager
What do you do at StoreFeeder?*
Many of our customers will never have spoken to me, but when you call in, it is my dulcet tones on the phone messages (hence the voice of StoreFeeder).
During working hours, I have multiple hats.
- I manage the Sales and Support Teams
- I am the Product Owner of the StoreFeeder WMS App.
- I am part of the planning team shaping the software with a particular focus on the warehouse, picking, despatching elements of the software.
- I am the Account Manager for our enterprise clients.
*This is an ancient mystery being solved.
What problem faced by eCommerce companies is it that you want to solve?
Reducing the time taken handling day to day tasks and giving people time to work “On” the business, not just “in” the business. I also have a passion for efficiency in the warehouse processes, from goods in, through picking, stock management and despatching and I want to help all businesses be as efficient as possible in this area. The more efficient and accurate you are in these processes, the less knock-on effect felt by other teams, customer service, purchasing etc.
What are your past credentials and how do they enable you to fit into the StoreFeeder make-up?
I spent around 20 years working in a warehouse environment. During this time the focus of the business changed from a storage and distribution setup to a 3PL (third party logistics) fulfilment setup. I drove that transition, both through rebranding and selling to a different market sector sales and through implementing storage, picking, and despatching processes for the new order profile.
It is from my time at this warehouse that I met Brian (StoreFeeder MD) in 2002 when he was IT Manager at the warehouse, and he wrote and implemented a WMS software for the warehouse that became the basis of what is now StoreFeeder.
I worked part-time for both the fulfilment house and StoreFeeder for many years before moving fully to StoreFeeder in 2017.
What do you like best about working at StoreFeeder?
It truly is an amazing company to work for, I am truly proud of seeing first-hand some of the businesses we have helped grow from small shops to 30,000 sq. ft warehouse operations and number 1 eBay sellers. It makes it all worthwhile seeing these businesses grow and knowing it is, in part, down to StoreFeeder.
In your opinion what is the major benefit, a company gets by signing up to StoreFeeder?
We provide the tools to make eCommerce businesses more efficient and accurate. If a customer is open to change, we can help them do wonderful things.
What values drive you?
Honesty and being open to change.
Who's your favourite band?
Tough one, if pushed I would say Oasis from back in the good old days, but I have a wide music taste, but I am a bit of a rocker!
In a fight who would win? A Baboon or a Badger?
What is your favourite quote?
“The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.” -Nelson Mandela
When you're not shoulder to the grindstone at StoreFeeder what do you like to do?
I have 2 kids who keep me busy, but I am the volunteer grounds person at my local cricket club, where I played for over 30 years. Doing the ground keeps me busy and allows me to give something back to the club.
Meet our team will return.