Welcome to the latest Release Updates post.
Autumn is well and truly here and although everything is a little miserable outside, I can assure you it's quite the opposite here at StoreFeeder towers! We've been putting in hard work as per usual to bring you some fantastic updates over the last month, including a new integration! So let's not dilly-dally, here's the product updates with me, Harry.
As per usual, our developers have been working hard to bring you an exciting update this month. There has been a lot of work in the background (which you can read about here) but there have been some great updates and new features released this past month, the highlights of which are below:
The Range Integration

Great news! After a successful beta testing period, our The Range integration is now fully live and available to all users!
In it's current state, our The Range integration will allow you to:
- Download your The Range orders.
- Send shipping updates to The Range.
- Import existing The Range listings for mapping to StoreFeeder products.
- Update inventory & price information on channel.
More information on how to set up an integration with your The Range channel can be found here.
Windsor Framework Support

You may recall that at the start of September we put out a blog post regarding the Windsor Framework, what it's all about and how will it affect your business. So, if you haven't already familiarised yourself with it, you may want to check that article out.
Of course, the date for implementation of the Windsor Framework has been delayed by the government until 31st March 2025 but that didn't stop our preparation work for it!
So as the article mentions, all that you will need to do to ensure I can continue to send parcels to Northern Ireland after 31st March 2025 is:
1. Ensure you have a UKIMS (UK Internal Market Scheme) number. You can find out more information about how to obtain a UKIMS number here:
This will need to be added to your company identity(s).

2. Ensure that all your products have their customs information filled out and up to date. This includes:
- Product Description
- Detailed Product Description
- Product Harmonisation Code
- Country of Manufacture
All this information should be added on the “Shipping & Handling” tab of products inside StoreFeeder and can also be applied in bulk using the product import/export tool.

These are currently the only pre-requisites.
User Permission - Billing Page
Following the trend of releasing new permissions each month we've got another one for you - the billing page!
So if you want to restrict access to billing information for certain users then you can do so, a guide for this can be found here.
Pricing Profile Token - Days Since Last Sold
Pricing profiles are an excellent way of automating changes to your listing prices based on numerous factors of your choosing, and we've added a new one to that list - days since the product was last sold.
You'll find it on the available list of tokens when creating or editing a pricing profile as "Days Since Last Sold"
There have been some great new features and fixes implemented in this last month's release's and we hope you find them useful in one way or another.
As always we’ll keep working hard to provide you with the best service we can.
From all of us here at StoreFeeder, happy selling.
The StoreFeeder Team