Welcome to the latest Release Updates post.
How have you all been finding the V3 homepage? A reminder that you can always submit feedback to us if you have any suggestions on changes we could make. If you haven't had a chance to take a look at the V3 homepage, you can find all the information about it at the top of last month's product updates here.
As per usual, our developers have been working hard to bring you an exciting update this month. There has been a lot of work in the background (which you can read about here) but there have been some great updates and new features released this past month, the highlights of which are below:
Pre-generate Labels from the Open Pickwaves Page

Boy am I excited to see that this feature has been released; a massive quality of life update, we've added the option to pre-generate your labels without needing to open the pickwave from the open pickwaves grid. Opening the pickwave was really an unnecessary step given that, when you create the pickwave, it doesn't open the pickwave automatically. As a user, you would often find yourself only ever opening pickwaves solely to pre-generate the labels.
Now, you can save yourself some clicks and some time by simply clicking the 'Pre-generate Labels' option found on the Open Pickwaves grid as shown below:

And if you don't see this column, you can add it using the little tools icon that you can see picture in the top right of the above picture.
Print Invoices per Channel
A relatively short but sweet update, we've added the update to toggle whether StoreFeeder will print invoices for each channel so you have more control over when we need to print invoices. Previously this was just a case of, does StoreFeeder need to print invoices, yes or no? Hopefully this update helps those who perhaps desired to save a bit of paper by not printing unnecessary invoices.
The new toggle can be found by editing any of your integrations and scrolling down to the 'Order Processing' section. Here, you will see a toggle for 'Disable Invoice Printing' that you can switch either on or off as you desire:

Products Grid - Export Saved Templates
Did you know that you can save export templates on the Product Import/Export page which can be used to populate the "Fields to Export" with predetermined values? Well if you didn't then I would suggest giving it a go, it may save you some time in the future! If you did already know that we offered that service, then you've probably wondered why you aren't able to use those filters when exporting directly from the 'Manage Products' grid. Well wonder no more as that's exactly what has been added last month.
Yes, you will now be greeted with the option to select an export template when exporting product data directly from the grid as shown below:

These templates are taken from your saved templates on the Product Import/Export page and will automatically populate the 'Fields to Export' with the fields saved to the selected template.
Bigcommerce - Download/Upload MPN

One fresh of the list of client requests this one - we've added support for MPN's to our Bigcommerce V3 integration. There's not too much more to say on this other than that you will be able to both import and upload MPN's now and that you can add MPN's in bulk to your products using the Product Import/Export tool if you haven't already.
This is only applicable for Bigcommerce V3 integrations. Any on a lower version will not be compatible with this update.
FedEx Services Added

Good news for our FedEx users that may have noticed some missing service codes, the following services are now available to use in StoreFeeder:
Remember that you will need to create new Shipping Methods and Rules for them if you want to use them.
There have been some great new features and fixes implemented in this last month's release's and we hope you find them useful in one way or another.
As always we’ll keep working hard to provide you with the best service we can.
From all of us here at StoreFeeder, happy selling.
The StoreFeeder Team