Meet Our Team | Jack Liptrott
May 5, 2022
The meet our team blog marches on. The foundation department of StoreFeeder has to be onboarding. These are the people who guide our customers through their StoreFeeder journey and set the software up for maximum benefit to their businesses. Will Jack Liptrott please stand up?
What's your job title?
Onboarding Manager
What do you do at StoreFeeder?
Customer Onboarding, marketing, and occasional design work.
What problem, that eCommerce companies face, is it that you want to solve?
To help them to spend less time working. Working takes up the majority of our waking life, so if you can help people have to do less of it and have more time to pursue other things, that's a win.
What are your past credentials? How do you fit into the StoreFeeder makeup?
I picked up a degree in politics, but I've been working at StoreFeeder for nearly ten years now, starting in 2013. I started when there were just 8 of us working out of the back office of a warehouse, so looking back and seeing how far we've come in these last ten years is incredible.
What do you like best about working at StoreFeeder?
I like working with the people I work with. Also, I've had the opportunity to try new things (and fail at some of them!), develop my skills and find something that I enjoy.
What is the primary benefit that a company gets by signing up to StoreFeeder?
The fact that the software has evolved from and is for real-world use. It's been developed by people who know what is needed to run a successful warehouse and eCommerce business and not by people who think they do. That, and the Support Team!
What values drive you?
I just like making cool stuff and trying to make things cool. Whatever I'm working on, be it in StoreFeeder itself or a design project, I want it to be as relevant and fun as possible.
Who's your favourite musician?
That's hard as it changes regularly, but I think Caroline Rose's music is brilliant. It’s fun, and I love that she writes, records, and produces it herself.
If you could time travel, where would you go?
I wouldn't go back in time to anywhere before the 1950s. I'd pop 30-40 years into the future to see what's going on or maybe back to 1960s/70s Los Angeles, as that looks a fun destination if the future is too scary.
What is your favourite quote?
"If something seems completely doomed, give it a little more time. Worst case scenario, you get to be right. Just find out for sure" – Jon Bois.
When you're not shoulder to the grindstone at StoreFeeder, what do you like to do?
I enjoy drawing/digital art outside of work, and I've been designing graphics for friends’ shows and artwork for podcasts – a lot of that stuff recently. I’m doing quite a bit of running now too, nothing competitive; I find it quite cathartic. Also, beer.
Meet our team will return...