We have introduced a new feature into StoreFeeder: Priority Orders. There are orders from some services, such as Amazon Seller Fulfilled Prime, which require your immediate attention. These orders need to go out the door as quickly as possible, usually via next day delivery shipping, and it is important that these orders do not go unnoticed. From today, these orders will be labelled as ‘Priority Orders’ in StoreFeeder. A box has been added to your dashboard to display the Priority Orders that are awaiting your attention. On your Order Management page, Priority Orders will be instantly visible by their sunburst yellow background, and a new filter column has been added for orders of this type. Your Shipping Rules will also incorporate Priority Orders. A new selection box has been added to include Priority Orders as a criteria to new or existing rules. A filter tab has been added to your Picking page, so you can filter your Outstanding Orders, and create pickwaves of Priority Orders, speeding up your order processing. This feature is currently only for use with Amazon orders, but we plan to roll this feature out to other channels in future updates. We are also planning to include a feature that will allow you to specify Channel Shipping Methods as Priority, so any orders StoreFeeder imports with that Channel Shipping Method will automatically be marked as a Priority Orders. We’ll keep you updated on when these features become available. For more information of how to access these features with StoreFeeder, see our knowledgebase article. Remember to include your suggestions for further developments on our User Voice page, and from all of us here, enjoy the Spring days, and happy selling! Published on: 24 Feb 2017 @ 10:16