Welcome to the latest Release Updates post.
It's spring time! Here's hoping we'll be treated to some sunny days and that you will all be treated to equally hot sales charts!
Last month we hosted StoreFeeder Sessions and much like the blossoming plants, it truly was a beautiful sight. It's been a long time since we last got together with you, our clients, and talked about everything StoreFeeder and ecommerce in general. It was great to see such a fantastic turn out and such positive feedback as well, here's hoping it wont be as long of a wait until the next one.
As per usual, our developers have been working hard to bring you an exciting update this month. There has been a lot of work in the background (which you can read about here) but there have been some great updates and new features released this past month, the highlights of which are below:
Enhanced User Grid with MFA, IP Restriction, and Password Age Visibility

Previously, the user's page in StoreFeeder (Settings -> Company -> Users) has only been used to create/store user profiles and manage permissions but in March we had the idea that this page would be a great place to display an overview of each user's security statistics so that you can quickly assess the security posture of each users account at a glance, ensuring maximum security for your StoreFeeder account.

Cybersecurity experts recommend changing your password every three months so in an ideal world, the number in the 'Password Age (days)' column shouldn't be over 90 but perhaps aim for just not letting it get to triple digits like the less secure users in the image above!
Multiple User Page Activity Warning
Have you ever found yourself editing the same page as another user, completely unaware of the situation, only to have your work erased by the other user that has clicked the save button and replaced all your new data with the original data... Or perhaps, you were the one doing the erasing! In a bid to help eradicate this problem we have added a warning to StoreFeeder which will alert you that you are on the same page as someone else; this is not on every page though, it is limited to a special selection where we believe these issues to occur most, those pages are:
- Edit Orders
- Edit Listings
- Edit Customers
- Warehouses
- Edit Products
- Channel integrations
- Returns
- Pickwaves
- Shipping Methods
So from now on, when you are on these pages and you see the following notification...

... Make sure that you check with that user first before making any changes.
Pricing Profiles - Desired Stock Level Token
Those of you that attended StoreFeeder sessions last month will know how much of a difference our Pricing Profile tool can make when it comes to adjusting listing prices dynamically depending on changes to costs around the business. If you'd like to know more about Pricing Profiles and how to get started using them, please reach out to our ever-friendly support team who will be able to assist you.
As for the update to the feature, it's a relatively small one but certainly useful to some! We've added the option to include your product's desired stock level in your Pricing Profile equations; If that's something you've been hoping for then off you go, get updating those profiles!
Royal Mail International HV Service Code Support

Last but not least, we have a small service code update for your Royal Mail integration. As long as they are available on your Royal Mail account, you will now be able to use the following international services:
- HVK - INTL Trk Parcels 0-30kg C Prio
- HVL - INTL Trk Parcels 0-30kg XComp C Prio
Don't forget, if you want to use these, you'll need to create new shipping methods and rules for them accordingly.
There have been some great new features and fixes implemented in this last month's release's and we hope you find them useful in one way or another.
As always we’ll keep working hard to provide you with the best service we can.
From all of us here at StoreFeeder, happy selling.
The StoreFeeder Team