This month, we have focused on adding greater degrees of customisation and flexibility to your StoreFeeder service.We understand and celebrate how all of your businesses operate uniquely, and our intent is to make our service suit your needs. If you have any requests or suggestions, or if you think there is a way our service could benefit your business even better, please don't hesitate to get in touch at https://storefeeder.uservoice.comHere are the improvements featured in our next update, scheduled for Wednesday 20th September.Archived productsWe have added two new options to improve the handling of archived products.Firstly, should you wish for your product exports to display only your non-archived products, we have added the options to exclude any archived products from order exports. Product Overview and Product Import Export pages.

Secondly, should you wish to display both archived and non-archived products on the ManageProducts grid, we have added the option to select 'All' when filtering for archived products.

For more information, see this knowledgebase: Archiving ProductsOptional SKUs on DX courier integration labelsWe have added an option to display your product SKUs on labels created for DX. To do so, a field has been added to 'DX Integration Details' pages.If you wish for your SKUs to be displayed, type 'true' in this field:

Please note that there is a 60 character limit. Any SKUs longer than this will be truncated with an ellipsis.Flexible Vat on Purchase OrdersWe have improved the way tax rates are calculated when raising Purchase Orders. In the 'Products added section,' we have added an adjustable tax rate field.By default, the value in the field is dependent on the particular supplier's country for that product, and its associated tax rates.There are however circumstances where the tax rate will differ, and now, you can adjust the tax rate and StoreFeeder will recalculate any values for you.Individual tax codes can be set for each of your products, but in instances where no tax or country code is set, StoreFeeder will default the product tax rate on POs to 20%.

This functionality is now also available via API.See here for all our API documentation.Overstock warning when booking in deliveriesTo improve your stock management, we have added a helpful warning icon to show when you have booked in more stock than is required.You can find the icon on all Book Delivery pages:

Purchase Orders - Customisation of status for certain suppliersWe have added two new dropdown menus to the Purchase Order/ Drop Shipment Information section of the View Supplier page for each of your suppliers. These allow you to set the default status a purchase order or drop shipment will be in when it is sent to a particular supplier.Purchase Order Change to Status: Change status of all purchase orders for that supplier.Drop Shipment Change to Status: Change status of all drop shipments for that supplier.If you leave these fields blank, StoreFeeder will use the status set against your email templates, as usual.

'Hazardous' and 'Fragile' product flagsTo activate this feature, please contact our support team.For when a product requires special care or attention, we have added hazardous and Fragile fields that can now be added added to the picking page and packing lists.On the Products Overview pages under 'Additional Information', there are two check boxes you can use to denote the product as 'Hazardous' or 'Fragile'.When this option is enabled on your account, the flags will appear in two places in StoreFeeder.In the 'Outstanding Orders' section of the Picking page, you can add 'Hazardous' and 'Fragile' as filterable columns.

This information will also appear as new columns on your Packing lists.Should you require assistance with any of these features, please contact our support teams, or take a look at our extensive knowledgebases.That's all for this month's updates. Keep your eye out for the next set of new features, and some upcoming special announcements.From all of us here, happy selling.The StoreFeeder team.Published on: 18 Sep 2017 @ 16:17