Welcome to the latest Release Update blog post.
Firstly, you'll have noticed that our login screen has had a revamp, I'm sure you'll all join me in agreement that it looks fantastic and that the developers have smashed it out of the park. I'm also a little biased as the customer messages containing direct links to the fantastic blog articles I write are made very obvious now so more of you can access them easier!
As always, there has been a lot of work in the background but there have been some great updates and new features released in this update, the highlights of which are below:
DHL Parcel UK Liability Cover

Here's another great addition to our DHL Parcel UK integration, you can now set a liability cover amount against your shipping methods.
Before setting this up, please bear in mind that DHL does charge extra for this cover; you can find out the costs on their website.
If you want to add liability cover to your DHL Parcel UK shipping methods, you can edit them in StoreFeeder by going to the Shipping Methods page in StoreFeeder and clicking "Edit/View Shipping Method".
Once on the "Edit Shipping Method" page, you should see a freshly added dropdown box at the bottom of the page that will allow you to select a liability cover amount as shown below:

Once you've selected your cover amount, don't forget to hit the "Save" button at the bottom of the page to save your changes.
Product Custom Attribute Import Performance Boost

This one might come as surprise to most because, as you well know, it takes a lot of data to cause the product import feature to experience issues. Updating multiple custom attributes for all your products was our product import's kryptonite so to speak; it would cause timeouts more frequently than we would like.
We're happy to be able to tell you that, that should be a thing of the past now as we've given the feature a bit of a performance boost. Rejoice, those of you who update their attributes in bulk often.
If you're interested in learning more about our product import/export feature, you can read about it on our knowledgebase here:
Multi Stock Location's QoL Update

A very small quality of life update for our multi-stock location users that should hopefully reduce potenital errors happening - we've removed the option to create "Trolley" & "In Transit" stock locations when creating stock locations through a product's additional information.
As you probably know, you can create a stock location for a product without even leaving the "Edit Product" page through the additional information tab on the left-hand side of the page. If you didn't already know this, all you have to do is click the "+ Add to stock location" button and scroll down until you see the "Create new" option as shown below:

When you opt to create a new stock location via this route, the usual options will appear for setting up a stock location as you'd expect; the problem was, you could choose two stock location types ('Trolley' & 'In Transit') that really didn't need to be here as you wouldn't use either of them in this scenario as they are temporary locations that are used when performing certain functions in StoreFeeder.
So we've simply removed them as options from the list to reduce the risk of errors that could potential cause problems with your stock; fixable errors, but errors I'm sure you'd like to avoid nonetheless.

If your interested in what multi-stock locations is and what it could add to your StoreFeeder experience, contact our support team and ask for a demo, we'd be happy to get one set up for you: https://support.storefeeder.com/hc/en-gb/requests/new
There have been some great new features and fixes implemented this release and we hope you find them useful in one way or another.
As always we’ll keep working hard to provide you with the best service we can.
From all of us here at StoreFeeder, happy selling.
The StoreFeeder Team