Latest Release Updates – 10th June 2020

June 10, 2020


Harry James

Welcome to the latest Release Update blog post.

So it looks like non-essential shops are set to be able to reopen soon; I know this will be great news to some of our customers so here's another StoreFeeder update to sweeten the deal.

Also on a more personal note; my fellow hayfever sufferers, I feel your pain. It's been a rough couple of weeks made slightly easier by the rubbish weather recently. Hang in there and remember, you've got the perfect excuse to lock yourself indoors at the moment!

As always, there has been a lot of work in the background but there have been some great updates and new features released this month, the highlights of which are below:

Shopify POS Orders & Stock Locations

Great news for our Shopify users that have multi stock locations enabled, Shopify POS orders won't take stock from your unspecified stock location like they previously did. We listened to your feedback that this was having a negative impact on inventory management and made sure to get it sorted; we truly believe that having this relationship with our customers is essential and as such, are always taking your feedback and suggestions into consideration.

What we've done is given you the ability to map your Shopify locations to your StoreFeeder stock locations so that, if a POS order is made against a location in Shopify, then this will be reflected in StoreFeeder in the way you wish.

In order to get your locations imported into StoreFeeder you'll need to contact our support team as currently the button is set to be for internal users only for monitoring purposes. Once you have your locations imported you can map them to your StoreFeeder locations by following the instructions below:

First of all, you'll need to open your Shopify integration and look on the left-hand side where you will see a tab titled "Shopify Locations", click that.

The location of the locations tab.

You'll notice that there are two toggles available for each location, the functions of which are:

  • Update Inventory - If switched on, we will update the inventory of your Shopify Location with the amount of stock in the StoreFeeder locations you have mapped that location to.
  • Import POS Orders - If switched on, we will import POS orders made against this location. When turned off they will not be imported into StoreFeeder.

Multi stock location users will notice there is also a cog on the far right of each of their locations. This cog can be clicked to open the mapping page for that location.

From this page, you'll see there is an option to "Add Stock Locations" (shown above) clicking that will bring up a pop-up which will allow you to select the StoreFeeder stock locations you wish to map to this Shopify location.

Once you've added the StoreFeeder stock locations, you'll see they have appeared in the "Priority Stock Locations" box. It's important to note that the order in which they appear in is the order in which they will be prioritised when it comes to allocating stock to POS orders that involve stock from the Shopify location they are mapped to.

You can change the order of the StoreFeeder stock locations by clicking on one of them and then using the directional arrows to the right-hand side of the box (as shown above). There is also, a cross button that can be used to remove a stock location from this list of mapped locations if you so wish.

New Mirakl Integration: Worten

A new addition to our list of Mirakl integrations, it's the Portuguese marketplace Worten. As with our other Mirakl integrations, you'll be able to manage your inventory & prices as well as import your orders, despatch them and send shipping notifications up to channel.

If you'd like to set up a Mirakl integration on your StoreFeeder account, our knowledge base article linked below should point you in the right direction.

Barcode Despatch Traffic Light System

Next up, a small quality of life update that may actually come as a nice treat for our customers that utilise barcode scan and despatch.

Previously we had two states for products that were in a pickwave's "Scan Products" page; they would be highlighted green if all quantities of a single product had been scanned and red if they hadn't been completely scanned yet or if they hadn't been scanned at all.

In this update we've introduced a third colour, here's what each means:

  • Highlighted green - Product has been picked entirely, all quantities have been scanned.
  • Highlighted yellow - Product has been picked partially, only a portion of the quantities have been scanned.
  • Highlighted red - Product has not been picked yet, none of the quantities have been scanned.


There have been some great new features and fixes implemented this release and we hope you find them useful in one way or another.

As always we’ll keep working hard to provide you with the best service we can.

From all of us here at StoreFeeder, happy selling.

The StoreFeeder Team

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