Welcome to the latest Release Updates post.
The fans are out in force as the nights get increasingly more humid it seems... Similarly, fans of StoreFeeder should be out in force as well as I bring them yet another set of fantastic additions to the system that were release over the course of last month!
As per usual, our developers have been working hard to bring you an exciting update this month. There has been a lot of work in the background (which you can read about here) but there have been some great updates and new features released this past month, the highlights of which are below:
Dashboard Improvements

I think we can all agree that, as useful as it is, the overview tabs found below the sales chart on the dashboard is a little overwhelming with information. We figured it might help if there were some sort of highlighting system that showed you which specific statistics required attention sooner rather than later.
We decided to implement this by introducing a red dot system similar to what you might see on your phone's app icons:

It's only the first three tabs that have this highlighting system in place as they are the ones that contain the most time sensitive warnings. Here's why you will see the notifications for each tab:
- If the value of unrecognised products is more than 0 you will see red dot next to tab title.
- If one of the following values: No weight, no harmonized code, no country of manufacture or unknown stock locations is greater than 0, then the red dot next to tab title will appear (note: unknown stock locations only appears on a multi-stock locations enabled account) only when all values are equal to 0 will the red dot disappear.
- If one of the following values: Total unmapped listings, mapping errors, total inactive listings or total attention required listings is greater than 0, then the red dot next to tab title will appear. Much like with the products tab, only when all values are equal to 0 will the red dot disappear.
Hopefully this system helps you to recognise potential problem causing data (or lack of) faster and enable you to stay on top of it much more consistently.
EKM Unpaid Order Toggle

In days gone by, we would import all of your EKM orders whether they had been paid for or not. This of course is not ideal for everyone and we have worked to make sure that we are able to provide the option not to import those unpaid orders if you should so wish.
So now, you'll be able to find a toggle on your EKM integration that allows you to do just that, stop StoreFeeder from importing orders that are still pending payment.
To find this toggle, simply edit your EKM integration and look under the section titled 'Integration Settings' where you find a toggle labelled 'Import unpaid orders' as shown below:

New Xero Order Status Export Choices

We've had few of our Xero users approach us to say that they've found that sometimes, if orders came in and they had to cancel them quickly it sometimes meant that the invoices never made it in to Xero. So to help remedy this situation we decided to add the following order statuses to the list of statuses we create invoices for:
- Cancelled by Client
- Cancelled by Customer
You can add these to the list of order statuses we look to export to Xero by going to your Xero integration and adding them to the list of statuses found under the 'Invoice Settings' section as demonstrated below:

There have been some great new features and fixes implemented in this last month's release's and we hope you find them useful in one way or another.
As always we’ll keep working hard to provide you with the best service we can.
From all of us here at StoreFeeder, happy selling.
The StoreFeeder Team