Our eagle-eyed users may have noticed some changes to our Shipping Rules page, including a great new feature called the Shipping Rule Tester. Improvements to Shipping Rules - Some changes to our Shipping Rules section include being able to apply Specificity and Priority to shipping rules: Specificity - A measure of how specific the Shipping Rule is. This is determined by how many criteria you have explicitly set it the Shipping Rule rather than leaving as All/No Min/No Max. When more than one Shipping Rule could apply to an Order the Rule with the highest Specificity will apply. Priority - A value between 1 and 99 (or optionally left blank), which indicates which Shipping Rule should take priority if two Rules apply to an order and are equally specific. 1 is the highest priority and 99 is the lowest. If left blank the priority is considered to be less than 99. A knowledge base for the new shipping rules section can be found here
Our NEW Shipping Rules Tester - After a suggestion on User Voice, we have made the shipping rule tester live for all users. Previously only an internal tool, all users can now check how changes to your shipping rules will affect your orders.

The Shipping Rules Tester page gives you the opportunity to test your shipping rules to see how they perform under different circumstances. The page aims to make it more transparent how the shipping rules are used to against your orders.
The Tester allows you to see ALL valid shipping rules for an order and which one of those valid shipping rules would ‘win’ and be applied to the order. Optionally you can also see a full comparison of that order against ALL of your Shipping Rules, with a breakdown of how each criteria compared to the order. A knowledge base for the new shipping rules tester can be found here.
Coming Soon!! - More upgrades to the Shipping Rules! What if you think that one criteria in the rule is more important than the others? Maybe Channel Shipping Method is a pretty big deal and should be worth more than the other criteria? You want the shipping method to reflect that, right? That’s why we’re adding weightings .It’s basically a way of saying, when you count up how specific my rule is I want you to treat these criteria as more/less important than the others.
This great new functionality will make Shipping Rules even more accurate when allocating shipping methods to your orders.