Amazon VTR - Update

April 19, 2021


Ian Dade

Following Friday’s blog post about Amazon VTR it appears there is still some confusion regarding Royal Mail Delivery Confirmation numbers (DCN) & CRL services.  The details from Amazon themselves are very vague and it differs depending on which support representative answers the query. 

So below is the situation as we understand it, this may not be 100% correct as we a piecing info together from multiple sources.  But for final clarification we advise you to contact Amazon support who hopefully should be able to answer.

It now seems that DCN number upload to Amazon should be switched on regardless of if you use our direct RM integration or our Amazon Logistics integration.  You set this by going into your Amazon channel settings and ensuring the following is set to “On”.  It was previously recommended by Amazon to be off when it was first introduced.

Buying labels by Direct Royal Mail Integration

If you use our direct integration to produce your Royal Mail labels for Amazon, you may be penalised if the final delivery scan is not completed by the postal delivery worker.  As this is a free service it cannot be guaranteed.  If the above is set to “On”, we will send the correct DCN number to Amazon but if not scanned, it won’t be valid.

Buying labels by Amazon Logistics Integration

We found out on Thursday 8th April that Amazon were recommending people to purchase CRL labels via Buy Shipping to avoid being penalised if the last scan was not done. 

Previously this was not supported in StoreFeeder as there was no real need.  Also Amazons own API does not class CRL as a service the courier will pick up so we had to work around this issue.  So we have rapidly introduced this but due to the time constraints it will be released in the next day or so.  We will let you know via SF message and blog post once this is live.

It is still not known if Amazon now require all orders to be sent with some kind of tracked service.  As previously said, we will make other service codes available for you to use but we cannot guarantee they will be acceptable. We suggest that you confirm with Amazon to ensure you are compatible with VTR.

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