StoreFeeder has become 'Secure'Feeder, with two great new additional security features, which are available to all account holders.
We have added Multi-Factor Authentication and IP Address restriction features to the system.
Multi Factor Authentication
Multi-Factor Authentication delivers an extra layer of protection for user accounts that significantly decreases the risk of unauthorized access.
Enforcing the use of an MFA factor key means increased confidence that your organization will stay safe from cyber criminals.
How Does MFA work?
MFA works by requiring additional verification information (factors). One of the most common MFA factors that users encounter are One Time Passwords (OTP). OTP's are those 4-8 digit codes that you often receive via email, SMS or some sort of mobile app. With OTP's a new code is generated periodically or each time an authentication request is submitted.
StoreFeeder works this way in conjunction with your chosen OTP Application (example, Google Authenticator, Authy, Microsoft Authenticator).

For more information on Multi-Factor Authentication, please visit our Knowledge Base Guide:
To get Multi-Factor Authentication live on your account, please contact Support who will be happy to do this for you.
IP Address Restrictions
IP Address Restrictions is a feature that allows Admin users to restrict the access of normal users, using source IP addresses. For example, you can allow access to to the IP addresses of your offices or warehouse, and deny access from external locations, such as users homes.
By limiting access locations and blocking access from external places, you can effectively prevent unauthorised access to your StoreFeeder account.

For more information on IP Address restrictions, please visit our Knowledge Base Guide:
To get IP Address Restrictions live on your account, please contact Support who will be happy to do this for you.