StoreFeeder Update

Due to the current situation with COVID-19 (Coronavirus) wewanted to take this opportunity update you on how we are managing this within StoreFeeder.

Day to Day Activities & Support

We understand that the world can be unpredictable and thereare many different factors that can influence how StoreFeeder and your businesswork. Due to this we have stringent strategies in place to ensure that our businessruns as usual during the next few months.

Our staff have been provided with the practical andtechnological support in order to continue safely working from home. Calls willstill be answered, through the use of our cloud telephone system and can stillbe accessed through our normal business hours.

Support tickets will remain active and monitored, so pleasecontinue to report any technical issues through email orthrough the Support portal as usual.


Following the latest Government guidelines, face to facemeetings have been cancelled and we will contact you directly if you are due tomeet with us in the near future to ensure we best utilise other systems such asskype for business or telephone conferencing.

 Our staff

It goes without saying that our staff are very important tous and please be reassured that we are following all the current advice andguidelines from the Government and the World Health Organisation regarding COVID-19.

Please be assured that our number one priority is the healthand safety of our employees and clients and to minimise any disruption to business.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any specificquestions or concerns regarding your business and StoreFeeder. We will continueto ensure communication channels remain open during these difficult times.

We appreciate that you took the time to read this and takecare.

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