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Today is a very special day...

July 20, 2022

20th July 2012, a pretty run of the mill day in history?

The opening ceremony of the London Olympics was just 1 week away, but in a warehouse office in Nottingham, our history was just starting…

For on this day, StoreFeeder was launched! Yes, we are 10 years old TODAY!!

Ten years ago, our business name officially changed from WebCatch to StoreFeeder and the rest is history. And what a ten years it has been.

From a team of 3 in a warehouse office with no external windows to a modern office building with 54 staff and a team based in Poland, what a journey it has been.

From a basic order management system to a full multi-channel eCommerce tool, with extensive order and stock management tools with listing creation capabilities to a wide range of marketplaces and eCommerce platforms and an intuitive and efficient WMS function, with scan despatch functionality linked to all major parcel carriers and utilising PDA technology with the StoreFeeder App for managing even the most complex of warehouses and operations.

Oh and did we mention, that as a group, in that time we also developed, launched, grown and managed Click & Drop, Send an Item, Parcel Collect and Bring My Label software and services for Royal Mail, as well as build a brand new despatch management system, Channel Shipper, which will be launched in the Autumn/Winter of 2022....phew, we have done a lot and we are very proud of our ten years.

But we would not be celebrating today if it was not for our tireless and fantastic team here at StoreFeeder. 10 years and they still continue to amaze us with their dedication, commitment, innovation and can-do attitude to make the system what it is. We love our team, thanks all of you.

And likewise you, our fantastic customers. You have played a massive part in our growth, so thanks for coming on the journey with us, we wouldn't of been able to do it without you.

And to celebrate StoreFeeder's 10th birthday, we are announcing something very special…

We are very pleased to announce that we will very soon be launching our beta version of StoreFeeder V3, with a brand new design, layout and improved functionality.

We will be launching pages in stages, in beta, with the option to view some pages in beta or current view, so you can try our great new look and feel at your leisure.

Here is a sneak preview of our great new look:

Keep an eye out on this blog and the Product Updates blog for details of the V3 beta launch date, but in the meantime, we have a birthday party to attend.

Written by
July 20, 2022

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