Live Chat Privacy Policy

Information provided when using our 'Live Chat' function is governed by StoreFeeder's Privacy Policy, which can be found here - - and will only be used to answer or respond to inquiries raised when utilising this service.

As detailed within StoreFeeder's Privacy Policy, the security of data we receive is taken very seriously. As a result, we would ask that you are aware of the sensitivity of any information you may provide us with as part of your inquiry. Dependent upon the information's sensitivity, consider whether or not the 'Live Chat' service is an appropriate way of providing us with such information. If unsure, you can contact our Sales or Customer Service operatives on 0115 7842150.

Use of the 'Live Chat' service, will be taken as implied acceptance of the Privacy Notice that governs this service. Live Chats data will be retained for 3 months and then securely deleted.

Any queries that relate to your data privacy rights, should be sent to:

Please note that in compliance with Card Payment Industry standards, we ask that you do not [under any circumstances] provide any member of StoreFeeder staff, with your card payment details in writing or over the phone. This is handled by an accredited, independent 3rd party who is licensed to handle payments.